På internet är jag tuff…..

På internet är jag tuff…..

Eller, ja, inte jag, men väldigt många är det.

Det finns liksom en form av anonymitet på nätet, måhända en inbillad sådan, (mer om det någon annan gång)
som gör att en del personer helt tappar sitt konsekvenstänk och sin medmänsklighet.

Tänk dig själv att på en daglig basis gå fram till en möjligen vilt främmande person
och rätt i denna personens öra vråla “hora!” “Du borde skjutas snarast möjligt”. Jag är,
och hoppas att andra med mig faktiskt har fått lite uppfostrat i hur man för sig i
det vardagliga livet. Att man har ett artikulerat tal med markerade kadenser
och ett åtföljande kroppsspråk som antyder artighet och öppenhet. Att man, om man
helt enkelt inte tål en person eller personens åsikter helt enkelt tar avstånd från
dessa utan att för den sakens skull bete sig som om det vore ett religiöst krig på
full skala. (för övrigt är religiösa krig samma sak som 5-åringar i sandlådan: Min gud
är bättre än din! : NÄ! och sedan repetition)


Jag tillhör den generationen som var i tonåren när 33.6
modemen hamnade i var mans hus, och jag vet inte, det
kan vara en generationsgrej, men nedlåtande kommentarer
och mordhot har jag inte sett från “min internetgeneration”.
Om jag inte gillar en åsikt på ett forum, så bemöter jag det
med fakta, eller helt enkelt låter bli att svara.
Mata inte trollen heter det ju.

Det heter även “Bråka inte med idioter, dom drar ner dig till
sin nivå och slår dig med erfarenhet” och det stämmer lite
också. Hur ska mina åsikter respekteras om jag nedlåter
mig själv till att kasta mig huvudstupa in i en virtuell
pajkastning  med en individ som jag troligen aldrig kommer
att möta, att jag sänker min egen intellektuella nivå till en
5-åring som har lärt sig att skriva fula ord på ett tangentbord.

Kommentarer som kommer in kan vara av varierande art. Anspela på kön, försöka att
använda härskartekniker som förminskning eller rent av hotande med fysiskt våld
men dom har alla en sak gemensamt. Brist på konsekvenstänk.

Personen som har skrivit den svavelosande kommentaren har inte tänkt på konsekvenserna
i sitt handlande… alls.

Vad får det för konsekvenser, ja, det beror lite på vem som sitter på andra sidan skärmen
så att säga. Jag pratade nyligen med en vän vars son har en sida via ask.fm där man anonymt
kan ställa frågor. Tydligen hade sonen fått ta emot ett par ganska otrevliga mordhot
via frågefälten och han hade tagit illa vid sig. Hur tänkte man när man skrev hotet?
Tänkte man att “det här är ett kul skämt” eller tänkte man över huvud taget?
OM man tänke på det som ett skämt, placera samma hot i det verkliga livet. Tänk
dig att någon som du inte känner skulle säga samma sak till dig? Skulle du skratta
och tycka att “ha ha, det var roligt, fortsätt för all del” eller skulle du tycka att det var
obehagligt? Jag tror nog att du svarar det senare.

Är det humor att göra en annan människa obekväm, ledsen, kanske till och med rädd?
Vad hände med ömsesidig respekt? Har dethelt fallit bort ur medvetandet eller kan
det vara så att man anser att det inte behövs eftersom man inte ser människan på andra

Personligen tycker jag att den tonen som man har mot sina medmänniskor i samhället,
den tonen borde man även ha när man kryssar runt på det hav som är internet.
För risken finns att det blir din båt som blir attackerad härnäst. Att ditt skepp
blir bombat med tusentals kanonkulor märkta med förolämpningar

Det spelar ingen roll om ditt skepp är en atlantångare eller en optimistjolle.
Din båt står bara pall för så pass mycket, och det hjälper inte att skjuta på andra,
det ända som händer är att din båt för en period blir lättare, men det gör den också
ostabil. Nej, våga lyfta på hatten och hälsa på dina medseglare istället, så kanske
du kan få bärgningshjälp när det behövs, istället för att behandla dina medseglare
som farthinder.

Controlfreaks with power

Controlfreaks with power

So, I guess that you have noticed the changes that takes place on all the services that enables you to stream media from their sites. I am talking about Spotify, Youtube and similar services that used to be great, but is in the range of “OK” services.

Why has it lowered itself in my opinions? Well, censorship naturally.
How often havent you made a list on youtube that you liked with various clips and after a few days, this list has been totally cut asunder due to the fact that you live in a region where this clip is not allowed to be shown?

You would think that the exposure that the artist and companies gets via the Youtube movie might be worth something, after all, its free PR, but no, apparently we are to be controlled as to what we are allowed to see. On top of that, there are services that are not even dependant on uploading from users, such as spotify, where lists get thrown off just because this month, this tune is removed and so on and so forth. What the hell? After all, spotify is actually a legit service and in a large part RUN by the same record companies that owns the copyright to this particular song.

Now, I can understand some of it, as in if people upload entire episodes of TV shows, or entire movies, but
what the hell? Removing things for the sake of being able to? Isn’t that really just another form of abuse?
There is a fair use policy, and I can understand that part aswell, where you only use parts of a song or
stuff like that, but let me give you a very good example.

There is a pretty popular oriental kids show, probably japanese but I am not sure, called “Pythagoras Switch”
They made their own little hit with The logical march, you can google it if you wish, and a friend of mine, Physica
together with one of his friends, made a complete remix of the logical march into a techno thing, and uploaded
it to youtube. Basically the video was cut to shreds, audio transformed and the original credits was still intact
BUT it still got removed. Why? Because they could.

There needs to be a change in how copyright is upheld and how it is to be maintained and soon.
Pirate parties are springing up in several nations and that alone should tell the companies that
people are getting sick and tired of being run over for the sake of profit when it comes to creativity.

Just my thoughts.

ACTA, …. (All Control To America)

OK, we tried to protest against FRA… nothing happened, the law was passed and its now in effect.
We tried to protest to IPRED …. to no avail.

Now ACTA is starting to creep in, and people dont seem to care!? Ok, many people dont seem to grasp
the effect of ACTA, the new trade “agreement” between EU and US, but one of the things it is stating
is that after three illegal downloads, you are to be completely shut out from the internet. HELLO!

I am not sure how they are gonna solve that technically but it will be a tremendous job, and rest assured
that you as the end customer will pay the price. The agreement also states “in the family” wich in this situation
is a very loose term, but in effect, lets say I “borrow” some of the neighbours internet using their unprotected
wifi connection.. 3 downloads later, voila, their internet gets shut down. COMPLETELY. They wont
have to prove that it was anyone in that household that did it, because obviously it was from their
router. Thats all they need to know.

On top of it all, we now have the swedish government sniffing around our internet for whatever mails, instant
messaging and our surf habits of us of the populace, now we are gonna let the entire EU AND the US sniff around
to see if we are doing something that the RIAA doesnt approve of.

Now really, someone needs to set a stop to this foolishness of surveillance and turning entire nations
into objects of observation because frankly, this is all turning into STASI and GRU controlled nations where
you need to keep a constant eye on the population to discourage different thinking. This has got to stop
somewhere and I really wish I had the power to change things, but no, I am just a geek amongst millions
The only thing I CAN do is what I am doing right now. Voice my opinion and, in the spirit of the current
government, expect to have it summarily dismissed.

Sooner or later, I will be clapped in irons for voicing this, then thrown in some unknown jail!
No, I am not wearing a tinfoil hat yet, but thats the way we are heading. I think you have noticed
that extreme right wing parties are on the move forward, at the same time as the government is getting
more and more controlling. When the extreme right wing gets the power, because from the looks
of it, it will, they will already have the tools to find their opposition and do something about it. Cool huh?

I dont think so, and frankly, I am starting to get a little scared with the rulers in sweden and their indifference
to peoples opinion, and their obvious interrests of fattening their wallets with the lobbyists money.

I am sorry, but if the vote was today, my vote would go to “the one issue party” “Piratpartiet” again.
It might be a wasted vote in the eyes of some. How I see it, is showing my dissent by voting for the
only party that has something besides the same old regurgitated crap.

The enemy of the internet. Part II

A while back I wrote a post called Sarkozy, the enemy of the internet nicolas-sarkozy
about how the french want to start disconnecting
people who fileshare over the internet. This was a
highly controversial thing to say and in my ears,
pure stupidity. Why let the hobbypolice that resides
within the media industry waltz around doing
whatever it wants and without much proof, and remove
peoples way to interact with eachother?

Now, some people say “they have evidence”. Of course
they do .. they have screenshots.. COME ON! I have
shown you multiple times how easy those are to forge.
“They have logs” you say? Oh, and a text file cant be
changed? Really. We all know that the media industry
will go to any extent to “prove” that someone is sharing
material that they feel that they have the supreme
control over.

Today, this controversial “law” was put to the vote in
france and believe it or not, it was voted down. Such
a defeat for Sarkozy, hopefully it was humiliating aswell.
If you are swedish, you can read more HERE
I can’t say that I know much of the grander things the
french has done, but I know now, that they CAN do
good things and do sensible things, aside from art.

So, to all you french people who thwarted the enemy of the internet again
I salute you.