Hear ye! The revolution cometh!

iPad, iPhone, iPad, iMac, iWeb, iLife … iDontCare! Who in the name of Gunther figured
out that “Hey….. we will take a line of products, and name them all “I-something” and
call it a revolution!” Come on, Thigs really took a turn for the worse.

Ok, I applaud apples designers but I pity their customers. Why? Well, heres
what I believe happen. Some guys saw the prototype for the iPod and figured
“Hey, lets get that thing, market it so hard so that almost everyone will get it”

Said and done. The iPhone became a household name. Now, apple more or less
managed, by dedicated, brainwashed fanboi’s and very clever marketing more or
less make the word “mp3player” into more or less another word for iPod, and on
top of that, they flooded the market with different models of a model of mp3 players.
Confused yet?

ipod Nano, Maxi, Video, Shuffle, Mini, you name it, it was all there. I am pretty sure
that you could get iPod Condom. It was also when the iPod Touch started surfacing, that
the iPhone came, wich pretty much is an iPod touch, with capabilities to make phonecalls,
so… and the oooooooh so important “app store” wich, frankly only exist to box in the
customers even more, because if i want to load an application that I myself coded,
into my own phone, wich i OWN, I still need permission from Apple, because if I
dont, I most likely cant even get the software on my phone. Way to box people in.

Now they figured out that “Heeeeeey” netbooks are cool and all, but we still havent milked
out all the dineros from the “i” concept. So, they pretty much stretch an iphone, remove
the phone capabilities and tadaaaaaaa the iPad was born. And guess what! Apple
fanboi’s are selling their own mothers to get a hand on one. I have tried all these Apple products
and frankly,  The only thing I am impressed with is the OSX, wich in terms of speed, stability and
design beats Windows hands down, but seriously, in the hardware department, stop living
on the hype and create something that is not an “i” derivative and something that does not have a
3 letter tail attached to it…… unless its iTox, the software that shows you what Apple is
doing to your brain.

Tweet this!

I have had a twitter account for quite a long time now but
mostly it has been to display blog updates, but now I found
something that makes it a little more useable for me.

Or rather. Not me who found it, but let me explain.

At work, we have someone who works with the media,
making press statements and images and so forth and
one day I passed his desk, all bedecked with Apple™©®
insert restrictive sign here, and saw a nice grey screen
with tons and tons of twitter feeds on it. Now, that looked
more like it. I could post to twitter, and in real time follow
what others twittered about. Suddenly the uses of it
increased tremendously for me. I was suddenly not locked
to a browser, I could do other things, such as write here
with my browser window.

It appeared that this thing was for Macs, but with a little research
I found a PC (Windows) version of it, it did however require Adobe Air ™©®
(I really love those characters) So I gladly went and downloaded it.

The software in question? Tweetdeck. Sofar, I am enjoying it, because
it really made twitter more useable for me. You might want to give it a
try, in that case, you can find it at http://www.tweetdeck.com and I really
think that you should try it.

Well this seems to work

It took some fiddling, but i got moBlog to work. from what i see, the only real limitation is windows mobiles crappy excuse for a keyboard. touchscreen is ok but when the keyboard doesnt show wich key you are tapping, you are bound to make mistakes. any tips on software keyboard for win mobile 6.1 will be greatly appreciated


It is the new term for people who cant think for themselves but use google for pretty much everything
and usually using it wrong! It is really really annoying to give someone a specific url, and they GOOGLE the url!
Well, you will end up at the wrong place, trust me on that one and the only thing that will happen is that the person
who is telling you the adress, will only get frustrated at your inability to understand how to use a URL.

I have, today alone, ran into several things that made me want to strangle people in general and let
me tell you, the common denominator in it all, is Google, and how people use it. Now, from how a search
engines indexing work, if you search a url, SOMETIMES you will get a link to the URL, but very often,
you will get a link to a page that mentions the URL and well….. now you have just wasted my time and
proven to me that you are 1. unable to take simple directions, and 2. that you really dont know the first
thing on how to use a webbrowser.

It has come to the point that people dont use the term “URL” or “adress” anymore, the phrasing is not “Wich
adress does that site have”, the phrase has, for some reason morphed into “How do I google that” Now, do you
want to go to the url I just gave you, or do you want to find other sites that lists the URL I gave you?

The usage of google has spiraled out of control and it seems that this in itself is actually narrowing peoples
minds instead of widening it, and frankly, it frightens me. Everything now is Google Google Google. How does my
page rank on google, how can you help me get better google rank, how can you bla bla bla google bla bla bla.
Geez Louise! Stop it already. Google is a search engine. I use it to look up things, not as a proxy to surf to sites
that I already have the target URL for!

Google is a great search engine, and their mail is good too, but seriously, from the way people are using it,
it appears that pretty soon, someone will make a religion with the commandment “Thou must always start with Google”
and I will be damned if that religion wont beat both christianity, islam and buddhism as the leading religion in the
world, just because the neverending flock of sheep that cant seem to leave google alone.

You want to use google, here is a link to you: Very useful link!

You want a tip in text? Here you go. If you know the URL, type it, if you DONT know the url, Google the sites name.

Going back a step

In my previous post, I railed some at the
people at spotify for not providing a client
for the windows mobile. I then got a mail
from a reader that wanted to know where to
get the “hacked together” client. I dare say that
the client does not look like something thats
hacked together but rather like a piece of
software that can be a complement to my phone.

The program is called “mySpot” and can be
found here:
on the XDA Developers site. It lacks
some things such as spotify’s own
“offline listen”  but hey, if you have a good
dataplan or access to a wifi, whats the problem?

This is however NOT a free ticket to premium
spotify, you will still need to have a premium
account to be able to access it from your mobile, but still.

The development on this seems to have been progressing faster then spotify’s own development
for a windows mobile client, and they have, hopefully, more then a single programmer
AND access to the source code to use as reference. The guy who has made this program
probably reverse engineered the spotify client for PC to get this together and frankly,
theres a lot of cudos for him in this.