Tech Support at its finest.

Well, tech support is fun at times, and at other times it really is a major pain
in the rear end. However, at the end of the day you have a certain feeling of
satisfaction. You know that you have perfomed a job that is needed by the
majority of the population. You may not know everything about cooking, fixing
cars or even taking care of the elderly, but by god you know how to deal with
peoples tech related issues.

What most people fail to understand that helping them is a strain on you, and that
thin thread that keeps you sane keeps getting thinner and thinner, and sooner or later
you either resign to the idea that you will be doing this forever and start to enjoy
it, or you turn into a bitter, cynical individiual that has lost his faith in the intelligence
of humankind.

But what happens when all those things collide? That you like your job, you have your
abilities but you still appear to be that cynic that smiles to the caller, but inwardly
you despise every fiber of the person on the other end of the phone.

Hopefully I wont become too bitter and cynic, because frankly, I like helping people
even though there are some people that really doesn’t want the help you can offer,
but instead are calling in to vent their frustration at their own ineptitude on to you.
But, to all you tech support people that are out there, I raise my hat to you, and nod
in recognition of your efforts.

Here is todays laugh:

Anarchy on the internet, APBstyle

Here we go. You, yes you there, who said those who told stories of how
anti piracy firms would go haywire and throw threats to left and right
were all doomsday profets. Have you eaten your crow for today?
If not, get your salt and pepper ready because here comes some more
for you to put on your plate, together with your integrity, hopes and freedom.

The swedish Anti Piracy Bureu(sic?) has sued the site
and that in itself, might not be such a strange thing. Now, heres the deal.
The site is a CLOSED torrent site. Means that you have to have an invitation
to get inside. The owner of received the standard “Hey you, shut down
or we will sue you so hard that your great grandkids will have debts” letter
stating that he/she should cease and desist due to the fact that he/she
is sharing copywrighted material. Ok, said the owner, sure, but what
copyrighted material are we talking about here. Wich files?

To that, the APB responded: “It is an obligation of the one who handles the service
to make sure that this service is not participating in copywright infringement. We
have no intention of submitting a list of the files in question as that is not our

This is however an excerpt, but all in all, heres the meaning of it all.

We think you are filesharing, and since we do, we now threaten you with
very high fines and possible and most likely jail time so that you close down
your site. You wont know wich files we are talking about, because we dont have
to tell you that. So, come out and face the firing squad with your hands up
so we can get this over with.

Does anyone else but me see this as a little strange?
Now the swedish phonecompany and ISP, Telia is battling to not have to leave
the holder of the IPnumber and I REALLY hope that they succeed.

Swedens politicians have forever lost my confidence. They handed away
police business to profit hungry organisations that seem to have null and void
respect for how to handle errands, and who thinks that since they have
money on their side, they can do whatever they want.

Is this how we want it to be? That people have to constantly feel monitored
and watched whereever we go, even if it’s within the walls of what is supposed
to be your private home? We aren’t really there yet, but with the way things are
going, it wont be far now. People in black S.W.A.T. TEAM outfits will kick your
door down and you will see the APB logo on their backs, they will raid your
computer desk, and if there is a single home burned CD there, they will take
it, call it evidence and rummage through it in the safety of their new billion
dollar HQ.

Never mind that the CD is  your vacation photos, and of course, if you and
your spouse had a little quality adult time together with a camera, they will
sue you for damaging A: The porn industry, since it needs people to consume
porn to survive, and B: the manufacturer of the CD-rom since they get a really
really damaged reputation by having that kind of material shown on their

Geez Louise!

How to anger your employee’s (step 1)

Now, I would like to think this wasn’t made on purpose, but for angry-puppy_21050908
some nagging reason, I think it might be. The company I worked
for has done a new  all time low this time. Let me tell you a little story.

My former schedule ended this friday, and due to meetings and stuff
I didn’t receive any new one. Ok, I thought. No worries, I’ll go to work
early and pick one up. So, we set the alarmclocks, we took David to
kindergarten and off to work I went. Its about a 15-20 kilometer drive to
work, not far, but far enough that it takes some time getting there
but at least I was on time, I was there at ten minutes to eight.

Walked up, grabbed my headset and started to log in and I spotted
one of the bosses. I told him that I hadn’t received a schedule for
the coming period. Ok he said, he would get me one.

He sat down at his computer and suddenly looked at me and said
“Hey, Matt, you know that you have a month vacation, starting
today, right?”

What the HELL!!!

No, I was not informed that I had a vacation at all this year to be honest.
Last year you had to fill out a vacation form, fit in the weeks with your
coworkers request and Pete knows what! It was a bloody mess without peer
but hey, at least you could get a vacation. Since I have been away from work
a lot, I havent even heard of any changes, and I sure as hell didn’t fill
in a request for a vacation. They just went straight over my head and
filled in a vacation slot, and didn’t even bother informing me WHEN I
was supposed to have a vacation. To pour salt in the wounds. Today
is the day Linda started working. So… No vacation together this year

I managed to cut down the vacation to 2 weeks at least, but I am still
not happy with them not informing me earlier so Linda and I could
have planned something. But oh no. We wont let families of employee
use any recreational time with the employee. That is bad for morale
or something. I am so pissed off right now I could strangle someone
but what good would that do? Only thing that would accomplish
is a longer vacation spent entirely without the family.


Men have no saying regarding pregnancy

Been reading a lot of parenting sites, and (what else is new)ecorrouge_newborn
I started to think about how pregnancies and fatherhood
is regarded in todays society. And the conclusion is that
there really isn’t much a man have to say about the whole

Let’s use some logic, at least thats what I call it.

  1. It is the womans body who is affected.
  2. The woman decides wether or not the child will be concieved.
  3. It’s not 1 persons responsibility to use contraceptives.
  4. In some cases the contraceptives doesn’t even work.
  5. There is a risk that the male is not the real father.

Now, the last one is a little of a hot potatoe, but the risk is still
there. I am by no means saying that all women are unfaithful,
but the male really doesn’t have much choice then to trust the
woman until the child is born. At which point he probably has
adjusted his own thoughts to be a father.

Now, a lot of people will say “Well, he should have just used
a condom” And yes, he could have, but laying all the
responsibility on one person is, in my opinion not fair.
The man COULD have used a condom of course,
but the woman could have helped him remember.

A joke with the punchline of  “men have 2 heads, but only blood
enough for one” has been around for like forever, and there is
a grain of truth in that. Once the sexual excitement goes to
a certain point, reason pretty much just flies right out the window
and if a pregnancy is not planned, is it really something that only
one person should think about and be responsible for?

newborn_baby_3What does this have to do with the topic at hand you ask?
Well, it really is quite simple. When a pregnancy occurs,
the male have pretty much 2 options.

1. Take responsability and support the mother and child.
2. Absent himself.

If he is unwilling, unready, whatever term you want here
to take responsability, he will, in society’s view be a deadbeat
dad, wich amounts to a certain amount of social alienation and

If he however reluctantly, takes responsibility for the child, the
relationship will most likely further deteriorate because of the
males resentment and reluctancy to take himself into parenthood.

Of course, there is abortion, and some males tries to press
and blackmail their partner to do one, but really, is that fair?
No, definetly not, because you as a man really have no say
over your partners body, you are merely “borrowing it” for
a while and really have no claims on it.
Once again, the male have nothing to demand here,
and really, this is as it should be.

This is a tangle of monumental proportions really, because as the society
is shaped now, and with its opinions, “the only acceptable thing” to do is
to face it that you (pardon the pun) screwed up and you are now either
going to care for a child for the next two odd decades, or, forever wear
the stamp of the deadbeat dad.

There is a lot of talk about unwanted pregnancies and how you can
prevent it, but what often is forgotten is that the most of the time
the responsibility is summed up like this:

Ok, girls, make sure you dont get pregnant, make sure that the
boyfriend wears a condom.

But what of the boyfriends? What do they get to hear? Well, what boys
usually hear at the later teens goes in one ear and out the other, might
aswell just admit it, because there’s no denying it, but the stress there
is on STD’s. All well and good but the issue of pregnancy is mentioned
more as an afterthought.

So, lets sum this up a little, because knowing my ramblings I have probably
sidetracked, raved and ranted so much that you couldnt keep up.

Girls, You can get pregnant, keep that in mind.
Boys, you can make a girl pregnant, please remember that.

Both of you: Respect your partner and help your relationship
by not rushing headlong into a pregnancy before you are ready.
Males matures later then girls. Also a fact to keep in mind.
Just because someones biological clock is going haywire, that doesn’t
mean that your partners clock is in sync. Communication is the
key and the vital part is shared responsability for the be or not to be
when it comes to pregnancies.

Girls, it is true that it is your body, you can do with it pretty much
what you want, but does that mean that you have the right to enforce
parenthood on someone unwilling? Is it not in BOTH persons best
interest to be protected and in concensus regarding the pregnancy?

Guys, how you want to do is really your call, but respect your
partner, and talk to your partner about pregnancy, how you feel
and think about it, and regarding contraceptives.


Iphone this and Iphone that.

Oh my GOD! I am getting so fed up with the hype surrounding Iphone.
It’s a mobile phone from apple. So what? Ok, lets get my view straight
from the onset. The Iphone as a really awesome flow, just because
the hardware is made for the software and they are locked to eachother.
So, naturally, it flows nice and easy compared to many other phones
and the same can be said about apples computers. But really….

Does it need huge headlines? I personally dont think so. I am not
a Mac Fanboi, neither am I one of those that need to have a gadget
just “because its so cool” to have one. The reason I would want an
fruitphone would be that it has a little better capabilities when it comes
to the extra functions. Right now I have a HTC Touch. First edition, so
its a little slow and it runs out of memory when I surf, but I know about
this and expect it. However, I am eyeballing the new HTC Touch HD
(A.K.A Blackstone).

I know, I know. It has Windows Mobile on it. However, that is ONE
of the many reasons. You see, I have all my ebooks in Microsoft .lit
format, wich, albeit is a locked format, but its pleasant to read, and
well, im comfortable with it. And seeing how much of a PDA this thing
is, I already have a score of different software that I use on a daily
basis that can still be used on that phone. Nifty huh?

Now, just to annoy some of the people out there, heres a comparison
of the BlackStone contra Iphone3G: (click image for larger version)

Found some old

goodies laying around on a drive and I figured, hey .. I havent played around
with these babies for a while. This is the result:

To be quite honest, I made another version first but I didnt feel that
it was up to my standards, or, if it wasnt my taste, I am not sure,
all I know is this one, I like.