This has got to stop!

Every day I see the same damn thing. It comes in the mail,
group invitations on facebook and not least, people actually
joining and LIKING things of this nature. What am I talking
about? Well, all these “Join this or that group because
if you dont, facebook will be a “pay” site”

Here is a newsflash for you. IT’S BOGUS! Facebook generally
makes their funding on advertising and seeing the amount
of users that actually has a facebook account and that frequently
logs in to see those adds, well, im guessing they are making quite
a bit of mint on it.

So, why does these groups come to be? Well, for the exact same reason that
you receive those “Microsoft is tracking this mail, you will get xxx dollars to send
it on.” Well, as long as the mail is within microsofts network, I am guessing they
could see the server logs, but as soon as it’s outside, they cant track the mail.

Neither will your fridge walk out of the door to hop repeatedly on your car’s hood
if you dont send that chain mail letter.

This is the exact same thing and I am fed up with it. Stop spamming me with
messages that facebook will be a pay site, stop joining those frigging groups
because they are only A: A sham to get members (im pretty sure that the names
of the groups will,
in a very short period of time, be renamed to “We who like to have sex with kitchen
utensils or similar) and B: You are also spamming your friends with messages that
they either dont understand and follow, or just dislike it cluttering their wall.

You happy now? Just you wait til the day that facebook finally DOES become a pay site.
THEN you can tell me that im wrong. Not before.

Sights on google usage part II

Google has now released the lists of the most common search words on its search engine.

Fastests growing (Sweden)
1. spotify
2. translate
3. facebook
4. eniro
5. blocket
6. blogg
7. bdb (billddagboken)
8. hotmail
9. hitta
10. google

Most popular search terms Sweden
1. facebook
2. youtube
3. blocket
4. google
5. eniro
6. aftonbladet
7. lexikon
8. bdb (bilddagboken)
9. tradera
10. hotmail

And from what I can see it’s nothing really there that surprises me. However, on the list of  fastest growing, overall,
you see something funny.
Fastest growing globally
1. michael jackson
2. facebook
3. tuenti
4. twitter
5. sanalika
6. new moon
7. lady gaga
8. windows 7
10. torpedo gratis

Look at number 9 .. someone googled a URL. Now, I can see someone google a URL if you want to know more
about the URL, but seriously, fastest growing on place number 9 ? Why not just go to the URL instead and
save you some time sifting through the sponsored links?