
It is the new term for people who cant think for themselves but use google for pretty much everything
and usually using it wrong! It is really really annoying to give someone a specific url, and they GOOGLE the url!
Well, you will end up at the wrong place, trust me on that one and the only thing that will happen is that the person
who is telling you the adress, will only get frustrated at your inability to understand how to use a URL.

I have, today alone, ran into several things that made me want to strangle people in general and let
me tell you, the common denominator in it all, is Google, and how people use it. Now, from how a search
engines indexing work, if you search a url, SOMETIMES you will get a link to the URL, but very often,
you will get a link to a page that mentions the URL and well….. now you have just wasted my time and
proven to me that you are 1. unable to take simple directions, and 2. that you really dont know the first
thing on how to use a webbrowser.

It has come to the point that people dont use the term “URL” or “adress” anymore, the phrasing is not “Wich
adress does that site have”, the phrase has, for some reason morphed into “How do I google that” Now, do you
want to go to the url I just gave you, or do you want to find other sites that lists the URL I gave you?

The usage of google has spiraled out of control and it seems that this in itself is actually narrowing peoples
minds instead of widening it, and frankly, it frightens me. Everything now is Google Google Google. How does my
page rank on google, how can you help me get better google rank, how can you bla bla bla google bla bla bla.
Geez Louise! Stop it already. Google is a search engine. I use it to look up things, not as a proxy to surf to sites
that I already have the target URL for!

Google is a great search engine, and their mail is good too, but seriously, from the way people are using it,
it appears that pretty soon, someone will make a religion with the commandment “Thou must always start with Google”
and I will be damned if that religion wont beat both christianity, islam and buddhism as the leading religion in the
world, just because the neverending flock of sheep that cant seem to leave google alone.

You want to use google, here is a link to you: Very useful link!

You want a tip in text? Here you go. If you know the URL, type it, if you DONT know the url, Google the sites name.

Turnsignals! Do you use them

There is a few things that really annoy me to no end. Today, I had a run in with
three of them all situated in one person.

First off, I have to go through a few curves to get to work.
It is customary while driving to signal where you are about to go, at least
I thought so until I got my drivers license. Now, it appears that when you
buy a new car, you obviously don’t get the lightbulbs to the blinkers when
you buy em, you get em when the warranty runs out or something.

What is it with new cars that makes people think that just because they
drive something flashy, they can do whatever the hell they like in traffic?
I had this moron drive out right in front of me, no turn signals of course
and I had to slam the breaks to not hit his passenger door. The idiot
continued his driving and stared at me like I was the one that was
doing something wrong. Now, I was in the correct lane, having
my turnsignals going, he, was in the lane to go straight forward, not the
turn one, on the opposite side. He also didn’t have any blinkers flashing.
You can imagine my irritation at that one.

Why do people glare at you in traffic when they are the ones that
act as if they have a deed on the road? First rule of traffic? Hardly
The first rule of traffic is, be considerate. Displaying WHERE you
are going, keeping a lookout at whats around you and driving
safely. At least.. thats what I think.