
Jag vet inte riktigt vart jag ska börja, men det känns som att den stressiga tiden på året
börjar nu egentligen. Sommaren är över, det börjar mörkna, och nu jävlar, nu rasar julhandeln igång
trots att det egentligen bara är november…..
Det ska handlas julklappar för en mindre förmögenhet, det ska planeras vart man ska vara
och dessutom, så är det fan lögn i helvete att man ska kunna sakta ner.

Just nu tillexempel så sitter jag på två stolar samtidigt, å ena sidan är jag ute och hjälper till i industrin, å andra sidan har jag fortfarande ansvar för servrar. Igår, så fick förfrågan om en mjukvaruinstallation som behövde utföras medans jag sitter ute på site och jobbar och inte har annat än paddan med mig som enhet. Det är inte chefens fel, men han har i det här fallet inte riktigt koll på vad jag gör och när. lägg där till två stycken sjuka barn samt en sambo som behöver jobba för att inte hamna efter och därav smälla rätt in i väggen.. ja, det är lite stressigt just nu.

Just ja. formatteringen suger lite i detta inlägg.. men men. thats mobile computing for ya

Blizzard in my mind

Right now there is a lot going on in my life, not so much on the outside
but inside. I have a thousand and one things that I have to consider all
the time, although some of them might not be necessary, they still intrude
upon me and usurp my thought processes and frankly, its close to driving
me mad. I really haven’t got time to deal with all ideas at once, there just
isnt time enough on the day. I have a job that I enjoy, and I want to keep it
so id better be a good little working bee and do my job as much as I
can. But still.

The mud really requires extra thoughts on to where to go from
here with the remort system. The initial plan wont really work that
good, so I need to sit down and talk with the coder on what to do
and how to do it.

My personal life needs some attentions since for sometime now
it has been put on hold for work and for David. I would not put David
second any time, but right now everything else intrudes.

So the best I can do right now is keep on the raging horse, franticly,  I
might add, and ride this horse til it drops from exhaustion and then
pick up the pieces and puzzle it together again and go for another ride.

Some tip on music now for a change. You know that I am quite eclectic in my
taste of music, but I tend to lean towards the electric guitars and and banging
drums, so here is a tip from me, to you. Even if you might not like metal
in general, you might actually like this one. Listen to the message.
The song is “Letter to Dana” from the band “Sonata Arctica”.
A really beautiful song. Here is the lyrics for you:

Dana, my darling, I’m writing to you.
Cause your father passed away, it was a beautiful day
And I don’t want to bother You anymore,
I used to hope you’d come back
But not anymore Dana.

My eyes might have betrayed me, but I have seen
your picture on the cover of a filthy magazine
And I think my heart just cannot handle that
Dana, my darling, would be so bad.

Dana my darling I’m writing to you
Cause your mother passed away it was a really rainy day
And I didn’t mean to bother you anymore
Your mother wished: Come visit your father’s grave, Dana

Your father disowned you ’cause you have sinned
But he did forgive you in condition he was in
And I hope you won’t do those things anymore
Dana My darling I’m waiting for

Little Dana O’Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O’Hara decided one day
to travel away, faraway

No, you can’t surprise me anymore
I’ve seen it all before
But it seems I cannot let you go
Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana

And I think that I told you, I’d wait for you forever
Now I know someone else’s holding you,
so, for the first time in my life – I must lie
Lie’s a sin, mess that I am in,
Love is not the thing I feel now
I promise you: I won’t write again ’til the sun sets
behind your grave

Dana, oh, Dana I’m writing to you
I heard you passed away, it was a beautiful day
I’m old and I feel time will come for me
My diary’s pages are full of thee

Little Dana O’Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O’Hara decided one day
to travel away, faraway

Little Dana O’Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O’Hara decided one day
to travel away, faraway

Little Dana O’Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O’Hara decided one day
to travel away, faraway