Sleek and slick.

I know that some of you actually use my themes since from some, I even get thank you
mails, and others are found on google. So, I keep doing them. I kinda like
the blueline theme I did a little while ago, but wasn’t too pleased with how
it turned out, so, I decided to make this one: Sleek

WordPress themes

I have got a very flattering question recently. “Where did you find that theme that you are using?”
Well, frankly I didn’t. I created it. And that question alone is really important to me as I try to
create things that pleases my eye aswell as readers eyes, and to have someone think that a
professional made my theme, well, it is really heartwarming. So, I figured id make a few of my
own themes available to the public. Here are the latest four I made for myself. If you like them
and use them, leave a comment so I can read your blog.

First up, BlueMoon and Blueeyes:

And here comes Galaxy and Troll: