Not really anonymous…

Not really anonymous…

I am a member of quite a few forums and on mostly all of them
I see the same pattern.

People going on with vehemence regarding someone else’s
views on sex, religion, child upbringing, technology and
whatnot. And when I see this, I can’t help to think
“Who is this person really?” and the second question “Does
that person really behave like this in real life?”

The answer of course, is no. It appears that just because
insults are flung over the net, they are considered by the
one throwing  them, to be harmless. The same thing is the
trolls of the net. They throw in some outrageous comment
that is so up the walls that you cant help to laugh about it,
but still, some people take the bait and feed the trolls need
for attention and the cycle goes on.

Why does this occur? Well, my own belief in this, wich of course, isn’t a scientific fact in any way
and subject to change if proven wrong (take that all you messerschmidts of the net) is that
since no reference of the real person is given, they have the posibility to vomit all this
bile all over some other poor forum visitor without fear of repercussion.

Let me dispel you of that notion right away.

When you visit a site, ANY site, you leave a footprint in the log. Let me give you an example from
one of my own sites
Note that **Hidden URL** wich is something I edited. – – [06/Mar/2011:08:32:17 +0100] “GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1” 404 358 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexImages/3.0; +http://yan$ – – [06/Mar/2011:08:35:41 +0100] “GET /micke/main.php?g2_itemId=2205 HTTP/1.1” 404 362 “-” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; $ – – [06/Mar/2011:08:37:55 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/in$ – – [06/Mar/2011:08:37:59 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/in$ – – [06/Mar/2011:08:46:35 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/ind$ – – [06/Mar/2011:08:46:39 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/ind$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:10:30 +0100] “GET /?cat=5 HTTP/1.1” 304 – “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Exabot/3.0; +$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:21:06 +0100] “GET /danman/?m=201010 HTTP/1.0” 404 355 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://he$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:22:48 +0100] “GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1” 404 358 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:22:49 +0100] “GET /~zutgorak/?p=474 HTTP/1.1” 404 11294 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:46:53 +0100] “GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1” 404 352 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ezooms/1.0;$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:47:15 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/index$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:47:16 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/index$ – – [06/Mar/2011:09:47:19 +0100] “GET /gallery/albums/upload/thumb_close.jpg HTTP/1.1” 404 385 “http://**Hidden URL**/forum/index$

Now, neither of these lists very much in itself, but I can see the ipnumber, I can see wich site they
came from using a hyperlink and so on, and its fairly easy to deduce things from it.

This site that the log is taken doesnt really require you to log in, but If it did, I could match an the
login with various things and using geolocation and other tools, you could dig up a lot of information.
On top of that, if you have been careless and entered an e-mail adress in several places and
maybe even, god forbid, have your real name embedded in it, you can get quite far.

You want the ONLY real way to be anonymous on the web?
Simple.. dont be there.

Googling is a waste of time

Googling is a waste of time

You hear me? It’s a waste of time! How so? Well let me explain it a little bit.
I am not talking about using Google correctly, but rather they way that people
today tend to use Google. The company itself is a huge success and albeit it has
had some flops (Google Wave, anyone?) it has all in all created a suite that
has made the former software giants tremble in their boots. Kudos to em I say!
But, the term “googling” has surfaced for a reason. It is used instead of “searching”.

That in itself is a testament to the impact Google has had on the common mind.
I am not sure wich searchengine that delivers the most accurate search results
and I really dont mind scrolling a little to find whatever I am looking for, however
what I do hate is blaring ads everywhere that takes away my focus from what I am
doing and that is why I started using Google way back when. Yes, I use it myself.

However, with Google a few negative things has come into play.
First out, the Googlebrains

Now, for some reason these people are the biggest timewasters on the planet to anyone
who has ever worked where URLs are involved. First off they seem to think that Google
actually IS the internet. Well, here is a newsflash. Its not. Internet is older then Google.
Second, Google may be a big, even the biggest, company regarding the ‘net but it doesnt
control it unless you let it.

Now, here is a pet peeve. Googling a URL.
DONT! It is a major time waster. Someone sent you the URL for a reason and most likely
that reason is for you to save time, instead of locating the correct URL, they simply handed
it to you. And here are the 2 scenarios that takes place:
1. You click the URL or paste it into the adressbar of your browser and voila! You are on the correct page.

2. You browse to,
copy the link, in some cases even painstakingly type the URL into the search bar and hit “search”
You find something that resembles what you look for, click it, and ends up at another page that
was not the one you needed/wanted and you do the whole procedure again.
Stop it already!

Google really should have educations in “Using searchengines 101” or at least push this URL more:

Now, imagine this: You are on a tight schedule, you are just about to leave, and you work
with telephone support for this or that product, and you know that the correct answer
is on a short and handy URL.

Stressed as you are, you hand the URL to the caller and you can actually HEAR how this
person uses google for the URL, then reads out loud on a vastly different topic. If you are
lucky, it may be on the correct domain, but totally wrong information. so, you have to do it
over and over again. Instead of a 2 minute conversation, you end up having a 15 minute
conversation and STILL have to explain the why and how of the question at hand and you
have missed your bus home.

Welcome to the real world.

I think I have got most out of my system now, but I may break out more on this
when my mood goes sour.

Ya all take care now.


Wasn’t the URL clear enough for people? Take a look at this:


Antipiracy = terrorism?

Antipiracy = terrorism?

The torrenttracker/site swebits is down. Most of you who tend to use this site has most likely noticed
the nice sign at the door regarding first, a DDoS attack and then faulty hardware in servers abroad
wich makes it a little harder to fix.
Heres a swedish article about it:

And just like the terror organisations in middle east, out comes Henrik Ponte’n and claims responsability.
To me, its a little similar to the movie “Life of brian” and the different
liberations groups that’s there and that they all take responsability
for the actions perpetrated.

Nowhere was there any “proof” that anti piracy firms are involved in this
and despite this, Henrik alledges that “The owner of the site has gotten
nervousdue to resent events” Now, correct me if I am wrong, but
wouldn’t the correct time to be nervous be around the time of the
#spectrial where Henrik so prominently figured?

I can understand that this man is a mouthpiece and it is his job to be,
but seriously somewhere, someone will have to draw the line.

Now, Henrik, I ask you: Has anyone on the swebits team been arrested,
that was actually on that team, or simply some poor sap with the hardware
to be a good seeder?

Has there been a seizure of the actual server hardware? and the million
dollar question: Have your “team” filed a claim against Google yet?

Of course there is propaganda involved in this. Do not be mistake, this is a kind of war that is being fought online, between filesharing activists and monetary interrests and unfortunatly, the casualties in this war is freedom of speech and personal integrity.

Personal integrity has already been locked up in a dungeon and has been severly beaten, to the point
of actually be in a coma and needing life support, but sofar, freedom of speech has managed relatively
unscathed… unless you count a few anal gangrapes…


Well, as you may have noticed this one has been very stagnant for a while. The reason for this is a secondary blog that I am working on wich mainly consist of guides, tips and tricks regarding technical matters ranging from simple things as digital TV to IPV6.

The blog itself can be found here:
It is a corroboration of several of my colleagues and is written in swedish, wich for me is quite the change seeing as I mainly
write in english, albeit bad english, but still.

So, now I am back at working on this one, and
I have to say that it’s a sweet pleasure to be
in a site where I feel I dont have to take the same caution regarding SEO and similar just
because I really dont care for the ranking
on this page. The readers I have will keep reading and never mind if I am on the first place on a google search or not.

However, this site will have quite a bit of overhauling before it is complete but I feel
that I have made good progress sofar.
What do you think?

Good question

Good question

But the answer is PROFIT and GREED. What was the question? Take a look at this one:

Very often you hear that the price for CDs are high due to shipping, ARTWORK! casing, actual cost
of discs etc etc. But here, you have the exact same price, for one with the above mentioned, and
one without!

Would you go to the pastry shop and by two cakes, exactly the same on the inside, but one does
not have any glacing what so ever, and you still pay the same, full price for it? Does that make sense?

Seriously now! Give me a way to generate a revenue stream to the ARTISTS that I wish to
support without going through greedy companies that thing censorship is the best thing
ever since sliced bread and I will do so. Flattr is one way i guess.

Oh, come on already. You gotta be kidding!

Oh, come on already. You gotta be kidding!

According to CopySweden, Home burned CDs are at a new low and they
are looking to generate income from other storagemedi…..

We already pay unknown people to be able to store our vacation photos
and whatnot just for the sake of the “Possibility to use to store copywrited
material” and we also get flooded with the latest commercials when
listening to music on the radio. Now they want to add the SAME PENALTY
ON MEMORYCARDS?!? They have got to be joking but alas, I am pretty
damned sure they are not.

Seriously, just because YOU CAN doesnt mean YOU WILL!
I have the equipment to rape hundreds of women every year, aswell
as with my bare hands strangling and beating people to pulps but
does that mean I should serve a preemptive lifetime sentance in
jail, or better yet, seeing as you could count it into possible
thousands of victims, be dragged to the tribunal in Haag
and condemned to death for crimes against the human race
just because I HAVE THE ABILITY TO?

We already pay a license to HAVE a TV, regardless if we watch it or not
or, even if we only have it plugged in to the TV to have that GLORIOUS
image when playing games, but hey … we have to pay for 2 channels that
hasn’t produced anything viewable since the late 70’s when Lennart Hyland
went into retirement aint that good for something?

Either way I turn, there crops up new fees for this and that, I am sure that
pretty soon there will be an “arm bending tax” wich will be calculated on
how many times you lift your arm to speak into your mobile phone, and a hefty
fee will be added to the bluetooth headsets because they make it possible to
circumvent the tax laws. Hows that for a treat?

So in essence, if you can store ANY data on a device, you will, in the future
have to pay a fee for the filesharers that potentially may use this device
to store copywrighted material. Just so you know, in theory, you could store
information in a standard digital wristwatch…….

Wich means, anything that has any form of storage, as long as you in one
way or another, will be getting this new fee… lets hope pacemakers doesnt
have any chips that you can access.