This has got to stop!

Every day I see the same damn thing. It comes in the mail,
group invitations on facebook and not least, people actually
joining and LIKING things of this nature. What am I talking
about? Well, all these “Join this or that group because
if you dont, facebook will be a “pay” site”

Here is a newsflash for you. IT’S BOGUS! Facebook generally
makes their funding on advertising and seeing the amount
of users that actually has a facebook account and that frequently
logs in to see those adds, well, im guessing they are making quite
a bit of mint on it.

So, why does these groups come to be? Well, for the exact same reason that
you receive those “Microsoft is tracking this mail, you will get xxx dollars to send
it on.” Well, as long as the mail is within microsofts network, I am guessing they
could see the server logs, but as soon as it’s outside, they cant track the mail.

Neither will your fridge walk out of the door to hop repeatedly on your car’s hood
if you dont send that chain mail letter.

This is the exact same thing and I am fed up with it. Stop spamming me with
messages that facebook will be a pay site, stop joining those frigging groups
because they are only A: A sham to get members (im pretty sure that the names
of the groups will,
in a very short period of time, be renamed to “We who like to have sex with kitchen
utensils or similar) and B: You are also spamming your friends with messages that
they either dont understand and follow, or just dislike it cluttering their wall.

You happy now? Just you wait til the day that facebook finally DOES become a pay site.
THEN you can tell me that im wrong. Not before.

Hear ye! The revolution cometh!

iPad, iPhone, iPad, iMac, iWeb, iLife … iDontCare! Who in the name of Gunther figured
out that “Hey….. we will take a line of products, and name them all “I-something” and
call it a revolution!” Come on, Thigs really took a turn for the worse.

Ok, I applaud apples designers but I pity their customers. Why? Well, heres
what I believe happen. Some guys saw the prototype for the iPod and figured
“Hey, lets get that thing, market it so hard so that almost everyone will get it”

Said and done. The iPhone became a household name. Now, apple more or less
managed, by dedicated, brainwashed fanboi’s and very clever marketing more or
less make the word “mp3player” into more or less another word for iPod, and on
top of that, they flooded the market with different models of a model of mp3 players.
Confused yet?

ipod Nano, Maxi, Video, Shuffle, Mini, you name it, it was all there. I am pretty sure
that you could get iPod Condom. It was also when the iPod Touch started surfacing, that
the iPhone came, wich pretty much is an iPod touch, with capabilities to make phonecalls,
so… and the oooooooh so important “app store” wich, frankly only exist to box in the
customers even more, because if i want to load an application that I myself coded,
into my own phone, wich i OWN, I still need permission from Apple, because if I
dont, I most likely cant even get the software on my phone. Way to box people in.

Now they figured out that “Heeeeeey” netbooks are cool and all, but we still havent milked
out all the dineros from the “i” concept. So, they pretty much stretch an iphone, remove
the phone capabilities and tadaaaaaaa the iPad was born. And guess what! Apple
fanboi’s are selling their own mothers to get a hand on one. I have tried all these Apple products
and frankly,  The only thing I am impressed with is the OSX, wich in terms of speed, stability and
design beats Windows hands down, but seriously, in the hardware department, stop living
on the hype and create something that is not an “i” derivative and something that does not have a
3 letter tail attached to it…… unless its iTox, the software that shows you what Apple is
doing to your brain.

Swedens Gov. is killing people

Yay, i KNEW it. I knew it was gonna happen, but really, Swedish authorities have a history of not thinking
clearly, and ordering things that are totally off the wall, and sometimes outright dangerous and lifethreatening.
This time, it is the latter.

In sweden, we have summer and winter tires, no real big surprise there. We used to have the law to require you
to change to your summer tires as of the first of may at the latest, you could change from the 1st of april.
Now some moron thought “Hmmmm, I think there are too many people living in Sweden, so I will make
sure a few of them dies, and I will make it all look like accidents, and noone will ever sentence me for it,
because I am a part of the government organization.” So, this smart ass, changed the date at wich by law
you are required to have your summer tires, to the 15th of april, and added the little safety for himself
by adding “if there is winter conditions on the road you can keep the winter tires on”


From the 12th of April, to the 22th of April, there has been warm, sunny weather, so, naturally everyone
has changed to summer tires, because if not, after the 15th you get a hefty fine if you have the winter tires still on.
today, its the 22 of april, and theres 4 cm of snow outside. So, I am expecting to hear traffic reports on
accidents a plenty today because people followed the governments rules, and will now die for it.

You know what the best part is? The government will forget this in a week, and keep the dates, so each year,
people will get killed, needlessly because the government has stuck its head up their collective ass and figured
that since “there are never snow in Stockholm the 15th of April, that is also true for the rest of the country”
Well kick my balls til they are green and call me Shirley! Up in nothern Sweden, there are still towns who have
half a meter of snow, but since they have KNOWN winter conditions, they can keep their winter tires, but us who
live in between…. We are sentanced to either, A: a nice, fat fine or a nice fat accident.

Well, thank you for them fishes!


It is the new term for people who cant think for themselves but use google for pretty much everything
and usually using it wrong! It is really really annoying to give someone a specific url, and they GOOGLE the url!
Well, you will end up at the wrong place, trust me on that one and the only thing that will happen is that the person
who is telling you the adress, will only get frustrated at your inability to understand how to use a URL.

I have, today alone, ran into several things that made me want to strangle people in general and let
me tell you, the common denominator in it all, is Google, and how people use it. Now, from how a search
engines indexing work, if you search a url, SOMETIMES you will get a link to the URL, but very often,
you will get a link to a page that mentions the URL and well….. now you have just wasted my time and
proven to me that you are 1. unable to take simple directions, and 2. that you really dont know the first
thing on how to use a webbrowser.

It has come to the point that people dont use the term “URL” or “adress” anymore, the phrasing is not “Wich
adress does that site have”, the phrase has, for some reason morphed into “How do I google that” Now, do you
want to go to the url I just gave you, or do you want to find other sites that lists the URL I gave you?

The usage of google has spiraled out of control and it seems that this in itself is actually narrowing peoples
minds instead of widening it, and frankly, it frightens me. Everything now is Google Google Google. How does my
page rank on google, how can you help me get better google rank, how can you bla bla bla google bla bla bla.
Geez Louise! Stop it already. Google is a search engine. I use it to look up things, not as a proxy to surf to sites
that I already have the target URL for!

Google is a great search engine, and their mail is good too, but seriously, from the way people are using it,
it appears that pretty soon, someone will make a religion with the commandment “Thou must always start with Google”
and I will be damned if that religion wont beat both christianity, islam and buddhism as the leading religion in the
world, just because the neverending flock of sheep that cant seem to leave google alone.

You want to use google, here is a link to you: Very useful link!

You want a tip in text? Here you go. If you know the URL, type it, if you DONT know the url, Google the sites name.

I wont back down!

Some might remember the battle I had with my voice a while back, well, right now I am
having a battle in my mind already. I managed to contract a cold for the first time in I dont know
how long, I have had fever, and of course, throat pains. And this scares the hell outta me because
now I have a job that I enjoy and I want to evolve and do the best I can but to do that I have to
be able to use my voice. However,  it appears that the boss I have now actually cares about his
little workers, instead of just ignoring us. That simple “get well soon” meant a lot to hear when
you are more used to hearing “Get yer arse back to work you as soon as you can.”

What scares me the most is that this is giving me a good mind job. What if its the same thing
again? I know it most likely isn’t but still. What if? I am a damn good support tech. I can calm
most people and make them analyze the problem and in most cases, solve the problem so that
the client understands why that problem occured and what can be done to prevent similar problems
in the future. The customers I talk to are generally happy with the support I provide and
well, I enjoy the feeling of helping. However, to do that effectivly, I have a tool that is now
more or less disabled, I can stand headaches, migraines even an upset stomach, but when
my voice is down, my performance also goes down with it. I need to be able to talk to the
client so as to not get things the wrong way, or hear audibly that the client is using the wrong
terms and hence wont be getting the help that is needed.

All this is taxing on my mind, but I know one thing. I wont back down. I know the tricks this time
around. I am not gonna let my throat kill off my voice and put me out of fighting. I picked up a lot
from the last doctor and right now I am putting it all to the test, and with a little luck, I will
be back at work very shortly, as shortly as possible, and keep evolving into the support tech that
you all want to call.

Some people need to learn some manners.

Today, I took a bus ride from Västerås to Uppsala. Its about 1 and a half hour on the bus.
I got on, took a seat and started reading. From Västerås to Enköping, nothing happened that
was worthy of note, but in a place named “Örsundsbro” the passenger with no brain entered.

Now, I am no small person by any stretch of imagination. I weight quite a lot more then what is
considered ideal and I wont make any of those excuses, but the woman who climed aboard
the bus literally could fill two seats by herself by putting her buttcrack in the middle of the seats.
And here comes the kicker. I am now the second biggest person on this bus, no kidding, and she
decides, for whatever reason and straight out of the blue, to squeeze in next to me.

What the hell is that about? So, after sitting down, she asks me, quite politely if i could move my
leg a little. So, I obliged, hoping that she would get off soon. Well, she didn’t.

A few miles goes by that for me is VERY unconfortable since I am having my entire left side pressed against the
bus inner walls. Not fun, but this person, who is quite a few fries from a Happy Meal, turns her head, and asks
me if I could stop taking so much room…. WHAT THE FUCK? You are spilling over into MY SEAT and you have the
nerve to ask me to make myself smaller.

To this woman I would like to say this:

Hun, as I am VERY sure that you are aware of, you cannot alter your physical mass with your mind, even
though I am quite certain that you MAY have managed to delude yourself into thinking that you are a size zero,
your butt squeezing through the bus door SHOULD have told you different. Go sit next to some skinny person
instead of someone who is both well built AND has a bunch of extra pounds. Or better yet, use your psychic
shrinking powers on yourself until the point where you slip through the cracks of the various molecules that
builds up the bus.

Alas, I am too polite to do this, so, I just turn my head, without changing facial expression or body position, I
looked her in the eyes until she turned her head and let the matter drop.
Sometimes, looking like someone just released from a murder sentance helps.